* Taking a concept to its logical extreme can lead to insight

Example: Why does multitasking leave you feeling like you haven't accomplished anything?

I have tried incremental reading and though it meant I was reading more broadly, obviously I was reading less deeply, and not finishing anything. I hate not finishing things. I also hate facing the reality that I'm just not going to get to everything. However, it feels better to finish a few things than have multiple things in progress. Also see focus on one goal at a time.

Imagine you want to read 1000 books. It might feel frustrating to be "stuck" reading one book for a week or a month or even a year at a time when you have *so many* to get to. But you can see how absurd it is to flit from book to book if you think, well, I'll just read one page of each book at a time. There is nothing useful to be gained from any book one page at a time, and you will never finish anything. Better to accept that you might not get to some of them.

Another example: Prosocial people often feel guilty for taking time to take care of themselves, preferring to run themselves ragged for others (Oskar Schindler beating himself up for not selling his watch to save another life is an extreme example). They may feel that every moment spent "frivolously" is a moment they are not out fighting the good fight. However, taken to its logical conclusion, you could argue that you should never sleep, because every minute spent sleeping is a minute not feeding the hungry. However, you could not go for very long this way, and it is obviously unreasonable to expect people to sacrifice their entire lives for others, at the expense of their own health.

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